Sunday, April 19, 2009

We all have experienced disappointment. Tips to help cope with and avoid it.

Everyone has been disappointed by a person or an event at one time in their life or another. You can call me to talk about a situation you need help finding 'the light' in at How to deal with and perhaps avoid disappointment is not easy. Here are some tips.

It may be something someone does, or doesn't do, says or an event may not go the way you planned. Sometimes it's really no big deal and you can brush it of your shoulder. But for those times when you really get let down, like 'the world will end' type of let down how do you cope? If the person or event that has disappointed you was done by accident, mistake or lack of knowledge and not out of malice or it was their intention to set out and make you upset by letting you down, then you have to know how to handle a person or situation when it was not intentional but you got disappointed anyway. Therefore, it starts with YOU.
Here are a few things to remember. You are allowed to get upset, mad or cry. If your expectations are reasonable, it's is only natural to get hurt. After all, if we didn't set goals or aspirations for a person or event, by what caliber do we judge if something is successful or fulfilling? So to set our expectations at a reasonable level with goals in mind with your 'high' expectation and 'low' expectation of what you feel would be acceptable for you to be happy with, ahead of time, is key in handling a potential disappointment.
Don't set your goals too high. Remember, be reasonable. Don't think because you have an event everyone will show up, act like you want them to act, dress 'appropriately' or say what you want them say. For example, you may have a big birthday or gathering planned. You have worked hard at getting everything perfect... the food, the place, the decor, etc. You invite lots of people and as you are planning, you may start imagining how you want everything to be. When the day arrives, some people don't show up, some people are not dressed in the proper attire, some people lack social etiquette and heck, a fight may even break out! Don't let these things stress you or ruin YOUR good time. Anticipation from the beginning that many scenarios may take place and how to handle them is very important with your personal 'damage control' of a situation. Get over it, and get over it quick. Tell yourself 'this is not going to ruin my day'. It really sounds like 'yea that will work...' but trust me, if you don't move forward, as they say 'the show must go on', then it will just fester and turn the whole event bad. DON'T DO THIS TO YOURSELF!
It is after all YOUR event in which you put a lot of work into! However, try to remember, sometimes, people have last minute things that happen to them that prohibit them from coming. When some of your closest friends or family ditch you at the last minute for something they couldn't control, don't turn inward. Don't get mad at them for 'ruining your day'. If they could not come for some reason it is not about you. Try to understand if it were you, you wouldn't want them to be mad at you for not coming because of an issue you could not control. But what IS about you, is the rest of the people who will be there and going on with the event. Sure, you are disappointed, but don't bring that into the happy occasion which is what everyone came together for in the first place. Move forward! Don't dwell on it. Spending the time with the rest of the people there will make you forget about who couldn't make it as long as you allow yourself to have a great time.
How do you deal with being disappointed in an individual? You must remember, an individual person can be the biggest variable. Anything can happen to someone at any time due to a physical resaon, emotional or financial reason to name a few. Typically you set your expectations around what you know about someone. You know who you can go to for watching your kids or your pets and who definitely NOT to go to as well ... Right? LOL! Really evaluate what you are asking of someone and their personal threshold for being dependable or reliable for that task. You cannot expect someone to do something as you ask, exactly as you would do it. You must allow for leeway. People are not perfect and no one will do something as you would. As long as you keep this in mind: Are they acting in good will? Are they using sound judgement? Do they have the experience necessary? If someone has done their best, and it may be a FAR CRY from what you would have done, you cannot get disappointed with THEM. You can FEEL disappointed with their actions and explain what you would have done or what the 'generally accepted correct way' to do something is, but you can't hold it over their head.
Don't feel sorry for yourself or allow yourself to get depressed when you get let down by someone... chances are it is not a 'personal attack' on you. For whatever the reason someone disappointed you or they didn't live up to your expectations, you need to evaluate your reason for getting disappointed. Try not to let a bad day coupled with this person getting you down, allows you take it out on them or blame them. Other events in our lives sometimes make us feel more sensitive to getting hurt or let down by someone.
Remember, no one is obligated to make you happy. You have to create your own happiness. It starts with the decisions you make and paths you choose. Do not be selfish. Do not expect other people to be responsible for your well being. Once you have taken that responsibility, which that person never knew they had anyway, you will be less likely to be let down.
When we are disappointed, at that very moment, it's not so easy to smile, and say 'OK. Whatever. I won't let this get me down'.But you must, so you can move forward and allow another door to open to allow positive energy to flow in.
If you have a situation that you can't get past, find it hard to cope, or think reasonably about because you are so close to the situation and you need someone to talk to, you can call me on I can help you to feel better and move on. When our heart is affected, we don't think or see clearly. Let me help you navigate a crummy situation that got you down. You need to be happy...and you can be!!! Many blessings!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Advice on STRESS!

Here is my latest article on

How do you get rid of stress? Have you tried with alternative medicines such as talk therapy, meditaion or energy clearing?

Stress. Just the word makes you tighten up if you have experienced it. You no doubt are aware of how hard it is to get rid of. Sometimes we can manage it by making small changes in our lives. Talking about your problems is one way. At there are many expert listeners and advisors to help you with a stressful situation. They have many wonderful suggestions on how you can change your outlook on a situation to help change how you internalize it therefore reducing stress.

Changing our routine or removing ourselves from situations and people that give us stress are other ways to reduce stress and the ill effects. However, sometimes, we have many things going on in our lives that we can't control that cause anxiety and stress. When we don't have control of a situation, but can't escape it, the stress is hard to manage. Like trying to outrun a mudslide, you just can't jump out of the way. So how do you deal with stress that you think is almost impossible to do anything about or even reduce? When conventional medicines are not an option, for many reasons ... side effects, expense and getting diagnosed and waiting for a prescription, you may consider the alternative ways to reduce stress.

One way is to meditate. Don't be fooled. If you think you can't meditate because you can't relax, you are not alone! It takes a lot of practice and dedication and hopefully you won't get frustrated and give up. Meditating is a wonderful way to refocus your energy and open up your mind so you can get inspiration and direction from having a 'clear head' instead of 'static' always clouding your emotional state due to stress and anxiety.

If you can't meditate, which I strongly recommend, you may want to consider an 'energy clearing'. This is done with the help of a 'Master Healer'. They read your energy and tell you where you are weak and help you to clear channels of energy to invite positive energy in. This has been practiced by spiritual and not-so-spiritual people since the beginning of time. Many cultures believe that 'energy' or 'spirituality' is the core of our being and needs to be healthy for us to be happy. Remember the saying for computers.. "garbage in garbage out'? Well the same for us. SO if it's 'positive energy in, positive energy will come out'.

Stress will do you in. You always feel like you are carrying a heavy burden with you wherever you go. It effects you physically, emotionally and clouds your judgement usually leading to a worse situation! An Energy Clearing or Spiritual Healing can help. You can find someone to go to in your area that practices alternative medicines. You may also want to consider taking a yoga class so you have support around you and practice 'centering' yourself a few times a week to help handle stress in the future.

If you don't have a 'Master Healer' in your area, a great one could be found at
Her name is Tracy known as AngelHealing and can be found on the Expert Advisors page. I personally have had her do a 'healing' on me and it was like nothing I had ever experienced! I suggest if you need help for stress right now and have tried other methods, give this a shot. I awoke the next day with energy, inspiration and joy. The feeling of joy ... it's to be cherished, especially when you KNOW what stress is!

Start reducing your stress so you can manage your life better and have balance! Many blessings and good luck!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Relationship Advice, Career, Life advice with the help of a Trusted Psychic

I give relationship advice from my heart and experience, however time to time, we need a little insight to the unknown! Many psychics over the years have gotten a bad rap. The true, genuine, psychic ability only a gifted few posses, are hard to come by. And how exactly do you select a psychic who is genuine? Accurate? Honest?

We may be familiar with the scam artist types and gypsy's because they get lots of notoriety. Remember Ms Cleo? LOL! But since the beginning of time, psychics, advisors, guides, whatever you want to call them have been consulted from average people seeking some direction for their everyday issue, like money problems, relationship advice, finding their life path, to major heads of country's seeking 'words from the divine' to help them lead their nation.

How do you find a accurate, trusted, professional psychic? Referral is a great way. Sometimes, however, you may not know someone who has consulted a psychic or has a reliable psychic they have consulted with. Finding a great psychic may be hard because sometimes people are very 'protective' if they come across a REALLY good psychic, keeping them all to themselves OR they don't want anyone to think they are the 'type of person' to go to a psychic for advice.

Sometimes people think consulting a psychic may be a sign of desperation, and you that can't make decisions for yourself. It's the contrary actually. A person who seeks psychic advice KNOWS there are answers out there and that they cannot grasp them. If you think you have all the answers, usually you will make a lot of mistakes. One who questions, thinks out of the box or knows there is more than one answer is actually the wise one!

How do you get the most out of a psychic reading?

First, you must focus on what you want to have more insight too. Ask a specific question. General questions or questions to 'test' the psychic usually don't get you a good result. Like when they ask you your name, don't say 'You're the psychic. You tell me.' It doesn't work that way.

Second, you must be open to it so they can read your energy and give you the best reading possible.

Third, don't lead them. Let them give you the reading. This way, you are not 'putting words in their mouth' or trying to pressure them for the answer you WANT to hear.

Fourth, digest what they tell you. Sometime, the information may not make sense now, but will.

What to stay away from:

Anyone who says you 'have a curse' on you and they can get rid of it are a dead ringer for being a 'scammer' or just someone you don't want to mess with. They use dark magic and believe me, you don't want your mojo intermingling with them!

Anyone who asks for more and more money. Making their ability available for people is a service they provide and should absolutely be compensated. But if they are truly willing to help you they will not pressure you to spend and spend or tell you for 'X' amount of dollars 'I can do this or that for you.' They are NOT God and cannot make things happen. They can guide you on what YOU need to do to get to where you want to be.

Lastly whoever makes you feel uncomfortable and pressured in any way or who uses scare and manipulative tactics are also not working in your best interest. Getting wrapped up with the wrong person who uses their gifts for the wrong reasons may try to use you as a puppet. BE CAREFUL!

Personally, I have had many friends who have been psychic and thank goodness I have kept company with some truly blessed individuals. I also have crossed paths with some very dark characters, who shall remain nameless. I kind of attract psychics and it was only a matter of time before a 'dark force' latched onto my coattails. I shook them off thank goodness! But through my experience, I will let you know I have come across a very 'white light', her name is Psychic Star Rose Matthews. She is truly gifted with divine knowledge. She has guided me for a few months now and I have to say, no one has been more accurate, compassionate and 'in your corner'. She is truly genuine and honest. She really works for you. She wants to see the best for you IF you have good intentions. She is an angel on Earth, here to help those who need help. You can find her on

So in closing, go consult with someone you feel comfortable with. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated. Be open to suggestions that may not be something you considered as an options previously. After all, who knows what the future holds! I wish you many blessings.

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Monday, April 6, 2009

Relationship Advice site 3rd press release

Relationship Advice From Spiritual Healer at Offers Profound Benefits, the 'go to' site for relationship advice with many wonderful expert advisors from across the US has quite a gem of spiritual talent on their roster!

Relationship Advice Live Advice Live Free
PRLog (Press Release) – Apr 06, 2009 – AngelHealing AKA EarthAngel911 BKA Tracy is a Master Healer, using her years of training to help people clear negative energy and become more in tune with their life path., the 'go to' site for relationship advice with many wonderful expert advisors from across the US has quite a gem of spiritual talent on their roster! AngelHealing AKA EarthAngel911 BKA Tracy is a Master Healer, using her years of training to help people clear negative energy and become more in tune with their life path.

Speaking to Tracy once and one will be convinced of her gifts. She is a channel and using her gifts she immediately hones in on the nature of a clients ailments and helps to heal. Tracy is available through for live advice over the phone or a seeker of healing and cleansing can even get an email reading done.

'Nothing short of amazing' states Betterworld owner of 'I invited Tracy to be one of my featured advisors to help people who really need some relationship advice and help in their love life and life in general. The moment I had a chance to talk to Tracy to 'interview' her for her abilities I was completely blown away and have never been introduced to such 'divine wisdom' before. Her methods are inspired by the Angels and guides around her and she is completely in tune with nature and the animal spirits. It almost sounds a bit hokey! But honestly it was an unbelievable experience I have never had before. She focused on my chakras and dissected exactly what was going on in my life and did a 'healing' on me. She also delivered a message as she channeled angels and spirit guides. I was left awakened. I don't know how she does it, but she was awesome. She is so modest and a joy to speak with. Her voice alone is comforting and really relaxes you.'

Although Tracy doesn't call herself a psychic, her abilities are that of being inspired and guided by the divine. Her life path is to help heal people and help people find their own path in life. Hundreds of people over the course of the years have consulted with Tracy for many reasons. To have balance in their lives and clear channels of energy, allows one to have inner peace and live their purpose. Tracy helps to bring out one's 'Inner Radiance'.

Tracy is quite modest and knowing this is her path, to help heal, she offered this understated comment 'I have never been comfortable with the word psychic as I refer to myself. I consider myself a healer. Distance healings are very powerful and long lasting. Often, it can be the first time you feel such inner peace, balance and enormous relief. We become accustomed to feeling stressed, and out of alignment. An energy healing can literally lighten your vibration and help your nervous system through the imprinting of this much calmer (and more natural) state.' states Tracy. 'And unlike traditional medicine, energy healing is completely natural.'

Clients seeking some spiritual navigation to feel better physically, find their life path, or are looking for some spiritual guidance and insight as to what is going on in their lives, should consider consulting Tracy. Remarkably, this is done over the phone and initial contact with her is free. The costs for her services thereafter are affordable.

'I know of many healers and psychics and you just never know who to trust. We know people like Tracy are out there. The true, honest, guided ones. She is absolutely the real deal. The morning after my 'healing' I awoke refreshed and inspired and at peace. It was invigorating! The only side effect I have felt is pure bliss.' States Betterworld.

People seeking relationship advice and guidance, getting some answers to nagging questions, clearing one's energy, guidance to find one's life path or any spiritual consultation, AngelHealing BKA Tracy is the one to call. Find her at Many gifted and talented advisors, consultants, and therapists from practical medically trained to spiritually guided individuals can be found on Any issue in one's life can be resolved. It is not the end of the world. A client can get honest caring advice form any advisor, live, confidentially, and any time of day or night at offers Live Advice for Love, Relationship and Dating. Expert advisors help with any issue as well as psychic advice. Call and talk to live advisors 24/7. Any issue, concern, problem or question, caring advice is a call away.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Relationship advice & Life Advice. Core element to happiness: Confidence

When you are happy you are successful, in life, in your relationship. If you are having problems in your relationship or life in general, there are key elements that are sort of 'core values' for us to attain a content, balanced life. Confidence and being confident is a core element. Therefore, confidence not only makes your life better but you will have more success in life and your relationship. If you are having specific problems that need live guidance from someone who is there to help 24/7 check out

How do you perceive yourself? Do you give yourself credit where due? Do you think you deserve to be happy? Do you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin? Are you confident in yourself?

To question ourselves about our performance at work, school or appearance or attitude is natural. It's a checks and balances to make sure we are doing the right thing. But when we always feel insecure about our judgement or ourselves, physically, emotionally, and feel insecure, this can lead to being unhappy. When you are unhappy you may make bad calls of judgement, become depressed, avoiding people and situations which will all lead to never finding what you want in life. So how do you gain confidence to attain happiness and balance?

Gaining confidence is very difficult. The older you get, the more you get stuck in the rut of lacking confidence if you are not proactive or aware of your actions that feed your lack of confidence. Not getting out or facing the things that make you feel like 'less than' someone else will just perpetuate unless you do something about it.

You need to start with positive thinking. Start giving yourself credit for all the accomplishments you have achieved. What are you good at? Focus on that. How does it make you feel to do what makes you feel good? Do you play an instrument or care for animals really well? Is there something you do that gives you pleasure, as simple as your job or in your personal life? Give yourself a pat on the back. Give yourself credit.

Next, never compare yourself to anyone. Again, this is difficult because we live in a society of competition. Rather, look at your great qualities. If your friends were to describe your best attributes, what would they say? You are loyal, beautiful and caring? Take these elements and keep them at the front of your mind at all times. Know that you are a loyal, beautiful, caring person. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. It only matters what the people you care about and you think about yourself. Don't compare the fact that you don't look, act or do what everyone else is doing. You are not them. You are you. You are an individual. Be secure with that. Know that you are special.

Don't be so hard on yourself to try to make everyone happy. You will never please everyone. Try your best. Listen to your inner self. Do you feel good about what you are doing? If you feel like you are letting people down because you can never live up to their standards? Then you surely will feel insecure. Always remember, it's not what they think, if you did your best, honestly and truly, then they can go take a hike. Don't let someone make you feel insecure. Do your personal best and walk away with your head high.

Don't take on tasks that are way out of your league. Don't misunderstand me, challenges are good and help us to improve ourselves, but don't walk up to a super model un showered, in sweats and a ripped tee and ask her on a date ... be reasonable about the challenges your set before yourself. If you have a lack of confidence before asking a girl out - or guy - make sure you look and feel your best. Approach them with a smile. Look them in the eye and ask them out. If you have a lack of confidence, then doing this in itself is difficult, however, you must do the things to build your confidence in which you are scared of. What is the worst that could happen...they say no? Big deal. The trick to this is not taking it too personally. There may be many reasons why they say no, but do not let this define you and make you feel 'less than' and strip you of your confidence. Just say top yourself .. NEXT! And move forward.

Approach all your tasks with an 'I can do this' attitude. If you fail, no big deal. You know it's not for you. Look at the qualities about yourself that make you a great person. Cherish those qualities and give yourself credit. This will build your confidence.

When you are sure of yourself you can take on bigger goals and go the distance. If you lack that confidence you may quit halfway through and then end up in that vicious cycle of 'I can't do anything right'. Again, strengthen your confidence, build it up. Don't engage in thoughts or behaviors that break you down. Stay positive.

Confidence leads to success. Believe in yourself. Hang around people that make you feel good. Get involved in activities that make you feel good. Small achievements add up! This all gets your confidence up.

So how does this all translate to having a happy healthy relationship? Confidence leads to security in your relationship. This is key to success in your relationship! If you have confidence in yourself, you know you are everything your significant other needs to fill all their desires. All of the unfounded, negative thoughts that arise from insecurity, like 'are they cheating on me' 'do they love me' etc. will not be part of your thought process if you are secure and confident.

You can call someone live at to discuss your specific issue and get guidance tailored for you.

Smile. Chin up and keep moving forward!